Specialist in Reliability Engineering, Risk Analysis and Mathematical Statistics. Director of Reliability Analytics at the Ford Motor Company, a Henry Ford Technical Fellow. Co-author and author of 3 books, over 80 papers, 10 patented inventions and 7 corporate trade secrets in these fields. Professor of the University of Maryland. Senior member of IEEE. Vice Chair of the International Reliability Symposium (RAMS®) Tutorials Committee.
Reliability EngineeringReliability/Survival data analysis (incl. warranty data analysis), Reliability models with covariates (PH, ALT, survival regression), Competing risk and distribution mixture models, Repairable system and recurrence data analysis (RP, HPP, NHPP, GRP), System reliability analysis (FTA and event trees), Probabilistic risk assessment.
Applied StatisticsMonte Carlo methods, Multiple regression analysis, Analysis of variance, GLM, Logistic regression, PCA and partial least squares, Statistical design of experiments (full and fraction factorials, Taguchi matrices), Statistical process control (process capability, control charts), GD&T applications.
Computer Languages & ApplicationsPractical programming experience in Pascal, C/C++, and VBA. Extensive experience with specialized packages such as R, SAS®JMP, Statistica, MINITAB, Mathematica, ReliaSoft, Isograph (Relex).
Teaching/LecturingSeminars, lectures, and training courses on the topics of reliability theory, risk analysis and applied statistics to government and private organizations outside of the automotive industry.

The Ford Motor Company. 1996—present. Director of Reliability Analytics, Henry Ford Technical Fellow. Formerly: Technical Specialist, Sr. Technical Specialist, Staff Technical Specialist. Responsibilities: field data analysis and early detection procedures; probabilistic risk assessment; statistical engineering (incl. six sigma) support of product development; warranty cost forecasting; corporate reliability seminars (incl. Ford of North America, Europe, Mexico, Brazil, Australia). A technical liaison to Ford's Automotive Safety Office on interactions with the US National Highway Safety Administration. Author of 7 trade secret inventions on statistical algorithms for Ford.

The University of Maryland. 1993—1995. Graduate Research Scientist on the Reactor Safety Assessment System (RSAS) - a joint project between UMD, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Responsibilities included: software modules reliability assurance (data flow and robustness), knowledge base and inference engine enhancement, RSAS deployment at the NRC's Operation Center. Other UMD responsibilities included teaching support of mathematical methods in reliability engineering, development of reliability analysis software tools.

Kharkov Institute of Electric Power & Computer Technology, Ukraine, 1991—1993. Associate Professor (Docent) of Electrical Engineering. Responsibilities: teaching courses in low voltage electrical apparatus and relay protection, theory of reliability and maintainability. Investigated reed relay output parameter stability using variability propagation techniques. Conducted research in system reliability analysis, specializing in optimization methods for the load sharing systems. Developed operating time reduction techniques for high voltage insulating interfaces via bounceless commutation and dynamic damping.
University of Maryland

Adjunct Professor of Reliability Engineering,
Courses: ENRE-640 "Advanced Statistical Analysis of Reliability Data"
Semester: Spring
Courses: ENRE-640 "Advanced Statistical Analysis of Reliability Data"
Semester: Spring
International Symposium on Reliability, Availability & Maintainability (RAMS®)

RAMS Speaker, Committee Chair, and Sessions Moderator 2000—present
Vice Chair of RAMS Tutorials Committee | 2012 and 2019 recipient of the Alan O. Plait Best Paper Award
Publications in RAMS Proceedings: 2000, 2004, 2006, 2007-2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2021, 2023.
Vice Chair of RAMS Tutorials Committee | 2012 and 2019 recipient of the Alan O. Plait Best Paper Award
Publications in RAMS Proceedings: 2000, 2004, 2006, 2007-2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2021, 2023.
IEEE Reliability Society

IEEE Senior Member, 2010—present; IEEE Member, 1997--2009.
IEEE-TR reviewer, 2012—present.
Publications in IEEE Transactions on Reliability :: Vol 54 (2005), Vol. 61 (2012), Vol 62 (2013)
IEEE-TR reviewer, 2012—present.
Publications in IEEE Transactions on Reliability :: Vol 54 (2005), Vol. 61 (2012), Vol 62 (2013)
Invited Lectures & Plenary Talks
7th International Congress on Industrial AI and eMaintenance, Industrial AI Methods in Reliability Modeling & Prediction, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden, June 2023.
12th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Reliability Models Evolution:
from Survival Regression to Deep Survival, Murcia, Spain, May 2023. 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Recent Advances in Reliability Applications of Gini Type Index, Hong Kong, June 2019.
European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), Reliability aspects of a series load–sharing system, Trondheim, Norway, June 2018.
International Field Service Conference Asia, Oxford Style Debate: The use of intelligent systems and robots puts you on the brink of a jobless future, Singapore, November 2017.
10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, A Bayesian Procedure for Lifetime Distributions, Grenoble, France, July 2017.
International Conference on Availability, Reliability & Security, Bayesian Probability Papers, Salzburg, Austria, August 2016.
9th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Recurrent Repair Analysis of Sibling Components, Tokyo, Japan, June 2015.
9th International Conference on Availability, Reliability & Security, Statistical Methods in Reliability Assessment of Complex Systems, Fribourg, Switzerland, September 2014.
University of Maryland Reliability Symposium, Promise of a Discipline: Reliability & Risk in Theory & Practice, College Park, Maryland, April 2014.
2nd World Business Research Conference on Field Service, Optimization of Preventive Maintenance Schedules in FS Operations, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2012.
Applied Stochastic Models International Conference, Gini: From Economics to Reliability, Rome, Italy, June 2011.
Kharkov Institute of Electric Power & Computer Technology, Mathematical Methods in Reliability Engineering: Practical Applications from Corporate Experience, Kharkov, Ukraine, June 2010.
6th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, A Gini–Type Index for Aging/Rejuvenating Objects, Moscow, Russia, June 2009.
4th Annual Warranty Management Summit, Advanced Statistical Methods for Warranty Data Analysis, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2008.
5th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Bayesian Probability Papers, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2007.
International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability, Application Extensions of Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process, Be'er Sheva, Israel, February 2005.
International Conference on Statistics & Analytical Methods in Automotive Engineering, Application of Proportional Hazard Model to Tire Design Analysis, London, England, September 2002.
2nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, An MC Approach to Estimation of G-Renewal Process in Warranty Data Analysis, Bordeaux, France, June 2000.
-- For a complete list of lectures, short curses, etc. please follow:
Books / Monographs / Book Chapters
- V.V. Krivtsov, S.V. Amari, V.I. Gurevich (2018), Reliability aspects of a series load–sharing system – in Safety and Reliability: Safe Societies in a Changing World, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 9780815386827.
- M. Modarres, M. P. Kaminsky, V.V. Krivtsov (2016), Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis, 3rd edition, Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN: 978-1498745871.
- M.P. Kaminskiy and V.V. Krivtsov (2011), A Gini-Type Index for Aging/Rejuvenating Objects - in Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability, Springer, Birkhäuser Boston, ISBN: 978-0-8176-4970-8.
- M. Modarres, M. P. Kaminsky, V.V. Krivtsov (2009), Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis, 2nd edition, Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN: 0-8493-9247-0.
- V.V. Krivtsov and V.I. Gurevich (2003), Reliability Optimization for the Series Configuration of Electronic Components – in Protection Devices and Systems for High-Voltage Applications, Marcel Dekker, New York, ISBN: 0-8247-4056-4.
- V.V. Krivtsov, D.E. Tananko and T.P. Davis (2002), Application of Proportional Hazard Model to Tire Design Analysis – in Statistical and Analytical Methods in Automotive Engineering, Professional Engineering Publishing, London, ISBN:1-86058-387-3.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (1998), A Monte Carlo Approach to Repairable System Reliability Analysis - in Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Springer, Birkhäuser Boston, ISBN: 3-540-76262-0.
- V.V. Krivtsov (1991), Parameter Correction Methods of Magnetically Controlled High-Voltage Interface Devices (in Russian), Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, Kharkov, Ukraine, 236 p.
Refereed Journals
- X.Li., V.V. Krivtsov, and K. Arora (2022) Attention-Based Deep Survival Model for Time Series Data — Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 217, 108033.
- A. Chehade, M. Savargaonkar, V.V. Krivtsov (2022) Conditional Gaussian Mixture Model for Warranty Claims Forecasting — Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 218, 108180.
- A.Yu. Yevkin and V.V. Krivtsov (2020) A Generalized Model for Recurrent Failures Prediction — Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 204, 107125.
- A. Chehade, Z. Shi, V.V. Krivtsov (2020) Power–Law Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process with a Mixture of Latent Common Shape Parameters — Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 203, 107097.
- V.V. Krivtsov, S. Amari, V.I. Gurevich (2018) Load sharing in series configuration - Wiley International Journal on Quality & Reliability, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 15-26. |
- V.V. Krivtsov and M.Ya. Frankstein (2017) A Bayesian Estimation Procedure of Reliability Function for Lifetime Distributions - IJPE, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 129-134.
- V.V. Krivtsov and A.Yu. Yevkin (2016) On Reliability of a Multi-Socket Repairable System - Quality & Reliability International Journal, Wiley. doi: 10.1002/qre.2078.
- V.V. Krivtsov and A.Yu. Yevkin (2013), Estimation of G-Renewal Process Parameters as an Ill-Posed Inverse Problem - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 115, pp. 10-18.
- A.Yu. Yevkin and V.V. Krivtsov (2013), Comparative Analysis of Optimal Maintenance Policies under General Repair with Underlying Weibull Distribution - IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 62, Issue 1, pp. 82-91.
- A.Yu. Yevkin and V.V. Krivtsov (2012), Approximate Solution to G-Renewal Equation with Underlying Weibull Distribution - IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 61, Issue 1, pp. 68-73.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2010), G1-Renewal Process as Repairable System Model, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory & Applications, #3, Vol.5, pp. 7-14. Also available in Cornell University Archive - Statistical methodology, arXiv:1006.3718v1 [stat.ME].
- V.V. Krivtsov, I.M. Kolmanovsky, and T.P. Davis (2008), A Constrained Quadratic Spline as a Model for Cumulative Hazard Function, Int. J. Reliability and Safety, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.170-178.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2008), An Integral Measure of Aging/Rejuvenation for Repairable and Non-repairable Systems, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory & Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 69-76. Also available in Cornell University Archive - Statistical methodology, arXiv:0711.3218v1 [stat.ME].
- V.V. Krivtsov (2007), Recent Advances in Theory & Applications of Stochastic Point Processes in Reliability Engineering, Editorial Review, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 92, # 5, pp. 549-551.
- V.V. Krivtsov (2007), Practical Extensions to NHPP Application in Repairable System Reliability Analysis, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 92, # 5, pp. 560-562.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2006), Bayesian Probability Papers, Reliability: Theory & Applications, No 1(2), pp. 57-62.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2006), G-Renewal Process in Warranty Data Analysis, Reliability: Theory & Applications, No 1(1), pp. 29-34.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V.Krivtsov (2005), A Simple Procedure for Bayesian Estimation of Weibull Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 54, pp. 612-616. *** The procedure is implemented by SAS in JMP-11 ***
- V.V. Krivtsov, D.E. Tananko and T.P. Davis (2002), A Regression Approach to Tire Reliability Analysis, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 78, # 3, pp. 267-273.
-- For a complete list of publications & inventions, please follow: