Invited Lectures, Short Courses, Plenary & Session Talks
-- in reversed chronological order --
7th International Congress on Industrial AI and eMaintenance, Industrial AI Methods in Reliability Modeling & Prediction, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden, June 2023.
12th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Reliability Models Evolution:
from Survival Regression to Deep Survival, Murcia, Spain, May 2023. 11th World Business Research Conference on Field Service, Invited Workshop: The Future of Autonomy in FS Operations, JW Marriott Palm Desert Resort, California, April 2023.
10th World Business Research Conference on Field Service, Invited Workshop: Conditioned Based Maintenance & Prognostic Health Management, JW Marriott Palm Desert Resort, California, April 2022.
U.S. Congressional Briefing, Advancing Safety Technologies for Autonomous Vehicles, Washington D.C.,
U.S. Capitol, November 2019. Concordia University, Invited Lecture: Selected Applied Problems of Reliability Theory, Montreal, Canada, October 2019.
11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Recent Advances in Reliability Applications of Gini Type Index, Hong Kong, June 2019.
American Statistical Association (ASA), Invited Lecture: Recent Advances in Bayesian Analysis of Reliability Data, Michigan, February 2019.
University of Maryland "Future of Transportation Lecture Series", Reliability aspects of connected and autonomous vehicles, College Park, Maryland, October 2018.
European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), Reliability aspects of a series load–sharing system, Trondheim, Norway, June 2018.
International Field Service Conference — Asia, Oxford Style Debate: The use of intelligent systems and robots puts you on the brink of a jobless future, Singapore, November 2017.
Business Analytics & Operations Research Conference, Round-table Analytics Discussion,
Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2017. 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability & Security, Bayesian Probability Papers,
Salzburg, Austria, August 2016. 6th World Business Research Conference on Field Service, Invited Lecture: Preventive Maintenance Schedule Optimization, Palms Desert, California, April 2016.
2nd Fiat-Chrysler Guangbin Yang Reliability Symposium, Bayesian Reliability Analysis,
Auborn Hills, Michigan, August 2015. 9th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Recurrent Repair Analysis of Sibling Components, Tokyo, Japan, June 2015.
5th World Business Research Conference on Field Service, Invited Lecture: Optimization of Preventive Maintenance Schedules in FS Operations, Palm Desert, California, April 2015.
9th International Conference on Availability, Reliability & Security, Invited Lecture: Statistical Methods in Reliability Assessment of Complex Systems, Fribourg, Switzerland, September 2014.
4th World Business Research Conference on Field Service, Invited Lecture: Preventive Maintenance Schedule Optimization, Palms Springs, California, April 2013.
University of Maryland Reliability Symposium, Promise of a Discipline: Reliability & Risk in Theory & Practice, College Park, Maryland, April 2014.
3rd World Business Research Conference on Field Service, Invited Lecture: Preventive Maintenance Schedule Optimization, Palms Springs, California, April 2013.
2nd World Business Research Conference on Field Service, Invited Lecture: Optimization of Preventive Maintenance Schedules in FS Operations, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2012.
Applied Stochastic Models International Conference, Gini: From Economics to Reliability,
Rome, Italy, June 2011. 1st World Business Research Conference on Field Service, Invited Lecture: Optimization of Preventive Maintenance Schedules in FS Operations, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2011.
Maine Maritime Academy, Short Course: Probability Models in Reliability Engineering,
Casting, Maine, November 2010. |
American Statistical Association (ASA), Invited Lecture: Survival Regression: From Bio-Statistics to Engineering, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Michigan, October 2010.
Kharkov Institute of Electric Power & Computer Technology, Mathematical Methods in Reliability Engineering: Practical Applications from Corporate Experience, Kharkov, Ukraine, June 2010.
6th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, A Gini–Type Index for Aging/Rejuvenating Objects, Moscow, Russia, June 2009.
4th Annual Warranty Management Summit, Invited Lecture: Advanced Statistical Methods for Warranty Data Analysis, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2008.
5th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Bayesian Probability Papers,
Glasgow, Scotland, July 2007. |
American Statistical Association (ASA), Some pitfalls of parametric survival analysis, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, September 2007.
International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability, Invited Lecture: Application Extensions of Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process, Be'er Sheva, Israel, February 2005.
American Statistical Association (ASA), Life Data Analysis in Automotive Engineering Applications, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, May 2005.
4th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, An Approach to Evaluating the Joint Prior Distribution of Weibull Parameters, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 2004.
International Conference on Statistics & Analytical Methods in Automotive Engineering, Application of Proportional Hazard Model to Tire Design Analysis, London, England, September 2002.
2nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, An MC Approach to Estimation of G-Renewal Process in Warranty Data Analysis, Bordeaux, France, June 2000.
4th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, A Monte Carlo Approach to Repairable System Reliability Analysis, New York, New York, September 1998.